Reimagine Frontline Work

Reimagine Frontline Work

High turnover among frontline workers is nothing new. However, as decision makers continue with business-as-usual retention tactics amid economic uncertainty, workers’ dissatisfaction is growing – and fast.

In 2022, almost half of United States retail workers – and 63% of frontline managers – said they were considering leaving their jobs to improve their job satisfaction.1 Business leaders need to prioritise retention or risk chronic staffing shortages for the foreseeable future.

The Reimagine Frontline Work white paper discusses the many challenges facing organisations who rely on frontline workers and explores the impact technology can have on increasing job satisfaction.

Download the white paper to learn how to:

  • Communicate more effectively with frontline workers by eliminating duplicate information and contradictory instructions.
  • Implement technologies that help frontline workers adapt to new processes, tools and tasks.
  • Shorten the feedback loop and empower frontline workers to innovate on the job.
  • Give frontline workers the tools and training they need to engage customers and create a better overall experience.
  • Use technology to help frontline staff feel connected to company culture and increase peoples’ pride in their day-to-day work.

1Frontline retail workers and the Great Attrition, McKinsey & Company, August 2022