Elevate Experiences for Frontline Workers

Elevate Experiences for Frontline Workers

Frontline workers must often rely on outdated digital tools, manual processes, fragmented communications, and information silos.

In the e-book Elevate Digital Experiences for Frontline Workers, you’ll:

  • Learn that most frontline workers are already sold on the benefits of digital transformation—63% are excited about the opportunities that technology creates.1
  • Find recommendations and best practices on providing digital tools like Microsoft 365 for frontline workers that meet their needs, helping to drive adoption and improve ROI.
  • Understand how digital transformation can help improve communication, collaboration, employee experience, productivity, and security at your organization.

1 Technology Can Help Unlock a New Future for Frontline Workers, a Work Trend Index Special Report, Microsoft, January 12, 2022, https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/worklab/work-trend-index/technology-unlocks-a-new-future-for-frontline